
The Model Observatory is collecting and cataloging SE, MDD, or BPM models to help scientists in these areas do better research.


Data Sets are important in the scientific process of many fields – and now, we started collecting and cataloging all models for SE, BPMN, and MDD, too. >>> more


If you know of an unknown model please report it! If the sighting can be validated or is confirmed by an independent party we will list it in the model index. >>> more


Registered users that have contributed sightings or model reviews earn the right to search the model index and download specimen for research purposes >>> more


This section provides an overview over the models in this repository. We also keep track of model sightings and model watchers. >>> more


This section provides an overview over the models in this repository. We also keep track of model sightings and model watchers. >>> more


Become part of the model watching crowd and to register. As a registered member you can report model sightings, upload specimen, and use the shared resources. >>> more